The NaturaLift Cosmetic Acupuncture
Beauty is not only skin-deep.
As the largest organ in the body, your skin reflects your overall constitution - physically, emotionally and spiritually. The NaturaLift combines ancient Chinese medicine theory with cutting edge skincare to restore your natural radiance without surgeries and injections. Using acupuncture, massage, serums and essential oils, this full-body treatment stimulates your body’s natural resources - balancing, replenishing and healing from the inside-out. Delicate hair-size needles positioned at targeted areas on your face create micro-tears in the muscle fibers, increasing blood flow and stimulating the local production of collagen and elastin. The result is a firmer, plumper, more youthful appearance as well as better sleep and stabilized mood. Effects typically last 2 years and can be supported with monthly maintenance
treatments, a balanced lifestyle, diet and exercise.
Reduce fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, dark circles and pores. Improve circulation and lymphatic flow
Increase collagen and elastin production
Firm muscle tone, jaw line and lift jowls
Brighten eyes
Moisturize skin
Strengthen immunity, promote cellular regeneration, balance hormones
The NaturaLift Protocol:
12 treatments over 5 weeks, each lasting 90 minutes
Weeks 1-2: 3 x week
Weeks 3-5: 2 x week
Complimentary consultation required before beginning treatment
Each sessions includes:
Facial and whole body acupuncture,
Eminence Organics Skin Care and essential oil application customized to meet your individual needs
Facial lymphatic massage